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Muscle relaxer injections are noted primarily for the ability to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. They’re also used to treat conditions such as neck spasms (cervical dystonia), excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), an overactive bladder and lazy eye. Neurotoxin injections may also help prevent chronic migraines. Ask our injector how to prepare before your appointment and what should you do or avoid doing after.

Did you know that many visible signs of aging can be traced back to volume loss? As facial tissues thin out, lines become etched around the nose and mouth and cheeks look a little hollow. Dermal fillers can replace lost volume to help smooth wrinkles, plump the lips, and restore a more youthful appearance.

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth lines and soften creases, or enhance facial contours. More than 1 million men and women annually choose this popular facial rejuvenation treatment, which can be a cost-effective way to look younger without surgery or downtime.

While dermal fillers are casually known as “wrinkle fillers,” they can do much more than just smooth out wrinkles, although they are excellent at this too! Here are a few of the common issues dermal fillers can help address:

  • Smooth out lines around nose and mouth (a.k.a. marionette lines, smile lines, and parentheses);
  • Enhance & restore volume to sunken cheeks or temples;
  • Diminish vertical lip lines;
  • Plump & enhance the lips;
  • Smooth out a chin crease;
  • Improve symmetry among facial features.

Dermal filler injections are non-surgical and typically completed during an office visit. Your initial treatment will begin with a consultation, during which you will meet with your cosmetic surgeon to discuss your concerns and goals.

Pre-treatment consultation

During your consultation, your cosmetic injector will evaluate your area of concern and review your medical history. While the risks associated with dermal fillers are minimal, you need to fully disclose your medical history prior to treatment, as certain allergies, skin and neurological conditions, or medications can jeopardize your safety or results. For instance, you need to tell your cosmetic surgeon if you have been taking NSAIDs (e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen) or blood thinners, as these increase the likelihood of bruising.

Your injectable filler treatment

Just before the actual treatment, the area will be cleaned, and you may be given a topical anesthetic to numb the area prior to injection. Many filler products also contain lidocaine, a mild anesthetic, which is intended to help minimize discomfort during and after your treatment. Your provider will then inject a precise amount of filler strategically beneath the skin. Depending on the product and the areas treated, you should be able to notice results immediately after receiving filler injections. Some patients experience mild bruising and swelling, but these are temporary and should subside over the days following treatment. You will be able to go back to your normal activities right after treatment, but your cosmetic surgeon may ask you to take the day off from exercise or other strenuous activity.

The most popular, effective and low risk under eye treatment we use here at A&A Medical Spa is PRP injections (Platelet rich plasma). We’re using your own blood to rejuvenate a very thin and sensitive skin under the eyes to reduce chronic puffiness, dark circles, dehydration, and improve lines and wrinkles.

Schedule your consultation before the treatment to speak to our professional about the best option for your face and skin.

  • Injectables consultation

    During your consultation, you’ll discuss a few very important things with your A&A Med Spa practitioner. We will provide an in-depth consultation before offering any treatment. This enables you to make up your own mind, in your own time, about whether it’s the right treatment for you. It’s important you understand all aspects of cosmetic injections. Next, you can make your decision!

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  • Muscle Relaxer (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau)

    Neurotoxins like Botox or Dysport can be a great way to take years off your face without having to go through invasive procedures like face lift. One of the best things about getting your injections is that it’s long-lasting: your treatment lasts at least four months.

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  • Dermal Filler

    Dermal filler can be the best and fastest way to remove signs of aging and give you an even more youthful appearance. Dermal filler treatments are long lasting, approximately up to 2 years, and future treatments are even quicker and easier than the first one. We have a variety of dermal fillers on the market and only a professional can suggest the best one for your type!

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  • PRP Eye Treatment

    PRP contains growth factors that stimulate collagen production when injected into the skin. By stimulating new collagen production, platelet-rich plasma helps tighten loose skin around the eyes to lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles like crow’s feet, while also eliminating bags underneath the eyes.

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  • PRP Skin Tightening

    The PRP, injected into specific areas of the skin, act as a matrix that promotes your own collagen to grow, regenerates tissue, and thus acts as to naturally smooth and tighten the skin. In this way, PRP softens wrinkles and creating smoother skin texture and tone.

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A&A medical spa pricing

Injectables price

Muscle relaxerstarts at $11 per unit
Dermal fillerstarts at $650
PRP Eyes$550
PRP skin tightening$660
Schedule your consultation now to know more!
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