EndoSlim Pro

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Created by bioengineers and the most important research centers today it represents the most advanced product in the treatment of various types of cellulite, lymphoedemas and muscular bands. The Compressive Micro Vibration system upturns the principle on which current methods used for the treatment of cellulite are based. It replaces the traditional “suction-traction massage” of tissues with compression and vibration. The method therefore represents a revolutionary concept, and one that established itself quickly, producing great results.

Endo Slim Pro is based on the principle of Compressive Micro Vibration that, through the transmission of low frequency vibrations, can generate a pulsed, rhythmic action on the tissues. The handpiece contains a cylinder that rotates on itself, in which 55 antiallergic silicone spheres are installed, positioned in a honeycomb-like pattern, with specific density and diameter. The direction of rotation and the pressure used ensure that microcompression is transmitted to the tissues; the frequency — measurable through the variation of the speed of the cylinder — generates micro vibration; and the right combination of these forces, together with the time of application, determines the treatment intensity, which can be adapted to the clinical condition of a specific patient. The mechanism of action of the method is based on the integration of three forces. The treatment is neither invasive nor painful: it will only cause a sense of muscular reactivation, which is very pleasant. The method as a whole is quite simple and at the same time effective.

Every patient has their particular views on cellulite. Today it is known that there are about 29 different situations that may cause the orange peel appearance of the skin, which is simply the manifestation of changes that take place in the skin and subcutaneously, and which can be combined into six main groups:

  • Lipoedema: increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue and in free water;
  • Lipo-lymphoedema: increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue and in the quantity of lymphatic liquid;
  • Fibrous cellulite: fibrosclerosis of connective fibres;
  • Lipodystrophy: interstitial and adipose alteration;
  • Localised adiposity: increase in localised adipose tissue;
  • False cellulite: sagging of the skin with fibrosis.
Slowing down of lympho-venous microcirculation of affected areas
Draining effect
Reduction of stagnating liquids and elimination of toxic substances
Tissue inflammation. Stagnation of toxic substances and sclerosis
Analgesic effect
Reduction of tissue tenderness
Reduction of arterioral Microcirculation with dermal- epidermal temperature reduction
Vascularising effect
Improvement of microcirculation and temperature increase
Metabolic-structural alterations of connective tissue
Reshaping effect
Removal of skin imperfections
Alterations of muscular structure
Toning effect
Deep, firm, toned muscle base

EndoSlim Pro facial

In a competitive cosmetic industry, EndoSlim Therapy is a 100% non-surgical and non-invasive beauty therapy, which uses the very latest in technology to make our treatments as enjoyable as they are effective. That treatment works deeply within the muscles, both relaxing and toning them for a more refreshed and lifted visage. Add into the mix our treatment’s proven ability to eliminate sagging, dark circles and wrinkles, and EndoSlim Pro truly is the face of cosmetic treatments for the future.

Complexion perfection

EndoSlim comprises three phases of treatment that work together towards complete facial rejuvenation. The treatment works beneath the skin to ensure tone, elasticity and shape. On the surface to even out the complexion, tackle dark circles and reduce eye bags. The treatment acts with immediate effect on your face’s delicate tissue. It accelerates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to revive tired, dull or sagging complexions and re-awaken your natural beauty.

100% non-invasive and non-surgical

Actions in only one treatment:

  • Smooths wrinkles;
  • Lifts the cheeks;
  • Plumps the lip;s
  • Shapes facial contours;
  • Tones the skin;
  • Relaxes the facial expression muscles;
  • Erases dark circles;
  • Reduces bags under the eyes;
  • Brightening of the skin.
Smooths wrinkles

EndoSlim Therapy facilitates the remodelling of the epidermis and facial tissues following the appearance of wrinkles caused by lifestyle and environmental factors. Such as sun, stress and smoke. The results, visible from an early stage, show an anti-ageing effect on the face, leading to a rejuvenated, fresher and more toned complexion.

Illuminates the complexion

A hectic lifestyle, lack of sleep, smoking and environmental pollution are all factors that contribute daily to cause a ‘greying’ of the skin, appearing to reduce the skin’s natural color, tone and radiance. EndoSlim Therapy increases oxygenation to the tissues, which serves to deep-nourish the skin from within and restore its healthy glow.

Relaxes and tones the muscles

Our therapeutic approach to relaxing and toning the muscles of the face can not only help with the appearance of the skin and complexion, but also with the overall health of the client. Our treatments prove they work deep below the skin to stimulate the muscles. Meaning a more toned, lifted and smooth face and complexion in the process.

Shapes the lips

EndoSlim Pro proves to actively slow down the alteration of the muscles and tissues in the face. Ensuring that the structure of the lips (and cheeks) keep their shape and definition to result in a beautiful smile.

  • EndoSlim Pro Full Body

    Endo Slim Pro is based on the principle of Compressive Micro Vibration that, through the transmission of low frequency vibrations, can generate a pulsed, rhythmic action on the tissues.EndoSlim is a non-invasive and comfortable treatment that helps to reduce cellulite.Full body EndoSlim Pro treatment includes upper arms, back, flanks, stomach, back of legs and buttoks.

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  • EndoSlim Pro Half Body

    EndoSlim is a non-invasive and comfortable treatment that helps to reduce cellulite.Half-body EndoSlim Pro treatments can give you different options to concentrate on a specific area like upper body or lower body. Upper body includes upper arms, back, flanks, stomach, whereas lower body includes back of legs, front side of thighs from the knee and up

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  • EndoSlim Pro Face

    It is a wonderfully innovative and high-tech concept for full facial rejuvenation, which means it’s suitable for men and women of all ages regardless of complaints, concerns or issues with their complexion.

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A&A medical spa pricing

EndoSlim Pro price

EndoSlim Pro Full body $220
EndoSlim Pro Half Body $165
EndoSlim Pro Face $135
Schedule your consultation now to know more!
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