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  5. The benefits of RF Microneedling with Morpheus8

The benefits of RF Microneedling with Morpheus8

It is the two technologies combined that result in the impressive results, with the RF frequencies tightening the skin and the microneedles promoting collagen production, over time wrinkles, lines and other imperfections fade and can even disappear altogether. While Microneedling on its own treats the surface layers of the skin, the RF treatment also affects the deeper dermal layers too, and it is this combination that makes it so effective.

While the microneedles do break the surface of the skin, this is a mostly non-invasive procedure, and a treatment session is usually completed within a couple of hours, making it a practical treatment to fit into your busy schedule too.

What can RF Microneedling help with?

The most common application is to combat wrinkles and other signs of aging, where RF Microneedling full face treatments can deliver exceptional results. Even in cases of significant wrinkling or sag, the Morpheus8 device has proven capable of reshaping and tightening noticeably. 

As a partially non-invasive solution, it is a treatment that is particularly suited to resurfacing for face wrinkles and other skin issues, but it can be used elsewhere too. Sagging or blemished skin such as acne scars can be solved by RF Microneedling, body areas that need treatment wherever they may be. Other common applications include RF Microneedling chest issues, while for post-pregnancy solutions, RF Microneedling stretch marks is another popular procedure.

Again, the simplicity of the treatment along with its mostly non-invasive approach makes Morpheus8 based solutions extremely popular. Where once dealing with a specific issue may have required some form of surgery, this impressive technology delivers results with a treatment that you can walk out of and go back to your daily activities.

One other area where Morpheus 8 RF Microneedling has shown it can be extremely effective is with hyperhidrosis patients. Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes sufferers to sweat excessively, and RF Microneedling treatment using the Morpheus 8 device has shown to deliver improvements for patients with this condition in about 3-4 sessions, and the results mostly has permanent effect.

Is it for you?

If you have unwanted wrinkles or skin sagging, whether on the face of specific parts of the body, then RF Microneedling may be a fantastic option for you. The treatment is straightforward and aside from reddening of the skin in the areas being treated, has no side effects. It delivers a natural look that develops over time after the treatment, with long lasting results. 

Treatment usually requires a couple of sessions over a period of a month, and after that, once a year treatments keep the skin both tight and healthy. An award-winning device and treatment, Morpheus 8 and Morpheus 8 Body have transformed what can be achieved, for dealing with signs of aging and other issues. If you have sagging, loose skin, stretch marks or other blemishes such as acne scars, wrinkles and other signs of aging, RF Microneedling is an easy and highly effective treatment that can transform your skin quickly and effectively.

To find out if this is the right option for you, talk to our team today and we will help you choose the right approach to achieve the outcome you are looking for!

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