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Neurotoxin (Botox) or Filler injections: What is the difference?

Injectable treatments are a fantastic option for anyone who wants to maintain a younger appearance, as they reduce wrinkles without the need for invasive surgery. Treatments take little time and can be fitted into your day, with no after effects to prevent you carrying on working or anything else you need to do. They can also be used for combating a range of problems including neck spasms, excessive sweating, lazy eye and can even be used as a treatment for chronic migraine. However, regardless of the reason behind the need for Botox Jacksonville residents have a choice to make. There are two common types of injections, neurotoxins and fillers, but what is the difference and which do you need?
Half face of a girl looking at the camera

Neurotoxin Injections

If you are looking for Botox, Dysport and Xeomin Jacksonville or Orange Park residents and beyond can choose neurotoxin injections from our qualified and experienced team. Botox is by far the most known of the neurotoxin-based injections, but all brands work in the same way. 

The neurotoxin is injected into the skin in the area being treated, where it blocks the nerve impulse that controls muscle movement (in other words relaxes the muscle). The result is an inability to contract the facial muscles, although this is a temporary effect. Without those muscles moving for that period, essentially they are frozen in position, the wrinkles in the area have time to soften, lessening the visibility and even making them disappear completely in some circumstances.

The difference before and after Botox treatment can be remarkable, and because the Botox procedure is non-invasive, you can receive injections at our office without disrupting your day. For anyone thinking of Botox, Dysport or Xeomin, Jacksonville and Orange Park residents can look at neurotoxin solutions with confidence; they have proven highly effective over many years, offering safe, easily accessible solutions for all.

As with all our treatments and services, we focus on providing the best value for clients at all times, and while others may need a Botox promo offer to provide value, we deliver the high quality, cost effective solution for you every time. Treatments last for around 3-4 months, and will then need renewing. When you need to remove wrinkles, our solutions for Botox Fleming Island residents and everyone around Jacksonville are the ideal option.

Dermal Filler

While also applied by injection, dermal filler is a very different type of treatment and used for a range of issues that can affect you through the aging process or accidental damage. As we age, the collagen and elastin within the skin that give it volume and provide shape and substance to the face can be lost. This leads to a sunken look, and leads to wrinkles and folds in the skin around the face.

With filler special dermal material is injected under the skin to provide that lost volume, and in some cases, also promote the production of new collagen to reverse the condition. Although a very different treatment than using neurotoxins, they share the same type of application, and injection, and similarly can be applied during your day thanks to the non-invasive approach.

One of the more common uses for filler is lip augmentation, but is frequently used in cheeks and other areas of the face to combat the aging process. For anyone looking to enhance skin volume, the best option is filler Jacksonville clients can access through our tailored solutions. Whether it is lip filler Jacksonville is looking for or treatments for other areas of the face, our commitment to value and customer service means there is no need to wait for a filler promo, we have the best prices for filler Orange Park, Fleming Island and Jacksonville clients will see.

Whatever the treatment, you can be sure that before and after filler will show a significant change. It is a proven approach that has helped tens of thousands of people around the world avoid that loss of volume that can come with aging. Depending on the type of filler used, with options including calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) or hyaluronic acid (Versa, Versa+, Restalyne), treatments can last between 6 months to a year and then require renewal.

Which do you need?

The answer to this will depend on the treatment required as well as your particular skin and underlying structure. Our experienced consultants will work with you to find the right approach to suit both your problem and expectations, and ensure that you get the very best treatment to suit your needs.

This personal approach is essential for great care, and it is central to the way we work with every client. You are unique, and the treatment you require will be as unique as you. We take the time to develop a solution for your specific needs, so you can have confidence that the treatment program will always deliver the outcome you are looking for.

Talk to us today to discuss your injectable requirements, and we will help you find the right solution that will work for you!

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